About Us

Sam Booker

Samantha Booker has been an independent Registered Massage Therapist and Structural Integrator in Toronto since 2002. Nearly 20 years of her clinical practice has been complemented by her work as an anatomy, kinesiology and dance injuries instructor at TMU’s (formerly Ryerson University) Creative School and York University’s School of Arts, Media, Performance and Design.

Her path to becoming an educator and manual therapist  began with a BFA in dance from York University, which lead to a brief career as a contemporary dancer in Toronto. A few injuries later, Sam chose to attend Sutherland-Chan School and Teaching Clinic to integrate her embodied knowledge of movement with the science and skills necessary to help others rehabilitate and reach their physical goals. Inspired by her early work with students, Sam also completed an MA in dance education; the focus of which was the effect of pedagogical language on learning and body-image. 22 years into her multi-faceted career, she continues to expand her understanding of the body through the study of Structural Myofascial Therapy™ and its interplay with the nervous system. Working with the dance and theatre students and Pilates teacher trainees at Mindful Movement Centre allows her to continually bridge the gap between theory and practice. Fearful of stagnation, she continues to pursue research in all of her areas of interest so she can keep giving back to the community of dancers, students, and clients that make her who she is.

When Sam is not working on any of the above, you may find her cooking overly-ambitious recipes, cycling, hiking, camping or watching reruns of Star Trek. 

Leslie Parker

If two threads run through my life, they are the love of movement and the love of travel.  My career as a professional ballet dancer and my later training in Pilates, yoga and Budokon have allowed me to teach and perform on six continents (all but Antarctica!), continually challenging me to adapt my knowledge to new experiences and environments. Having explored one through the other, I learned how closely movement and travelling are related: as we move, we travel through and explore our own bodies, and as we travel, we move ourselves both physically and mentally.  Journeys of each kind leave us changed forever, open to new worlds and possibilities.

My continued exploration of the body’s ability to adapt and develop has led me to focus on injury rehabilitation in much of my Pilates and body work, and I believe the sense of breath, ultimate relaxation, and infinite kindness contained in yogic teachings complements this path.  As the director of the Mindful Movement Centre in Toronto, I thus find no greater joy than welcoming to the studio people from a variety of backgrounds, age groups, and fitness levels to guide them on their particular physical and mental journeys to recovery, to improved strength and flexibility, or simply to greater well-being and more inspired living.

 I'm  very much looking forward to teaching classes in such a beautiful setting once again.

Looking forward to welcoming everyone to The Retreatment!