Terms of service.

The participant may not transfer their reservation to another person without the written consent of Samantha Booker and Leslie Parker.

The participant will provide information regarding any dietary restrictions, injuries or chronic conditions no later than 14 days prior to the retreat. 

The Participant agrees to comply with the following rules:

  • Smoking is not allowed on the property – inside and out.

  • Alcohol and recreational drugs are not permitted on the premises and the grounds. 

  • Scented products and oils are not allowed.

  • Candles, Incense, or any other open flame objects are not permitted.

  • Firearms are prohibited.

  • Fireworks and other hazardous materials shall not be used in or around the Property. 

  • Occupation and participation shall be peaceful and not the neighbour’s right to privacy.

  • Harassment and violence will not be tolerated toward leaders of The Retreatment or any of the staff at Bloom Holistic Retreat Centre. 

As a condition of your attendance and participation at The Retreatment, you indemnify Samantha Booker RMT and Leslie Parker of Mindful Movement Centre and its directors and affiliates from and against any and all liabilities, expenses (including legal fees), and damages arising out of claims resulting from or arising from your attendance and participation.

Cancelation policy

Full payment for The Retreatment is due by September 17, 2024. If you must cancel your booking, a full refund (minus the $450.00 deposit) will be issued only if you cancel by September 17, 2024

In the event of cancellation one month prior to The Retreatment (September 18, 2024), a refund of 50% minus the $450 deposit will be issued. If cancellation occurs 2 weeks prior to The Retreatment (October 4, 2024), a refund of 25% minus the $450 deposit will be issued. Any cancellation on or after October 5, 2024 is not eligible for refund of any kind.